Our Song (Delta AFA, 2010)

Our Song (2010)
Delta Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA-CWA)

From "A Song for All of Us," (Delta AFA):

Delta flight attendants who gathered in Atlanta for the Martin Luther King Jr. Day march last month cheered a new song written by MSP-based Delta flight attendant Jarrod Anderson, echoing our campaign theme—Opportunity. Unity. Respect. (“OUR Song”). Led by Jarrod, we sang the song in celebration not only of Dr. King’s legacy, but the legacy we’re building now at Delta.

The song was such a big hit that Jarrod took it into the studio when he returned to Minneapolis, accompanied by his band, Soulacious, and with the help of JBay Productions, which has produced a Soulacious CD. Jarrod also got a big assist from his fellow Delta flight attendants with the production of a new music video for "OUR Song", the latest Delta AFA hit.
For more information on the "Opportunity. Unity. Respect." campaign, please visit Delta AFA