3 on the Coalition of Immokalee Workers

CIW Change We Need
2008, Color, Video, 1 minute 23 seconds
Coalition of Immokalee Workers

CIW Brings the Tomato Fields' Scenes of Exploitation to the Governor's Doorstep
2009, Color, Digital Still Images, 4 minutes 36 seconds
Jacques-Jean Tiziou

Ronaldo the Clown
2009, Color, Video, 4 minutes 37 seconds
Coalition of Immokalee Workers

From CIW 101:

The Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) is a membership-led farmworker organization of mostly Latino, Haitian and Mayan Indian immigrants working in low-wage jobs throughout the state of Florida.  We have been organizing in the town of Immokalee since 1993 and have a base of nearly 4,000 members.

The CIW has two primary campaigns. Our Campaign for Fair Food seeks to improve wages and working conditions for Florida tomato pickers by calling on major buyers of tomatoes to pay a premium of one penny more per pound for their tomatoes, ensure that this penny is passed down directly to farmworkers, and work together with the CIW to establish and implement a code of conduct in their supply chains.

Our Anti-Slavery campaign is an effort to put an end to the continued existence of modern-day slavery in the agricultural industry. To date, we have worked together with the Department of Justice and the FBI to uncover, investigate and federally prosecute seven cases of modern-day slavery in Florida’s fields. We are founding members of the national network to end modern-day slavery, the Freedom Network USA, and through the Freedom Network Training Institute (FNTI), we also train law enforcement and NGOs on how to eliminate forced labor in their communities.

For more information on the CIW, please visit the Coalition of Immokalee Workers online